Environmental projects
Our company is eager to support environmental projects, and we are constantly looking for new solutions that could improve air quality and minimize the carbon footprint released into the atmosphere.

Green certificates

One of the initiatives supported by our company is the support of renewable energy sources, confirmed by green certificates. We are committed to the sustainable development of the company, which is why the main sources of electricity we have came from wind farms and solar radiation, among others. Green certificates are an important support in the development of green energy sources, at the same time fostering environmental protection. This initiative contributes to reducing the negative effects of climate change.

Guarantees of origin

Guarantees of origin are a confirmation that the electricity injected into the distribution or transmission network has been generated from renewable energy sources or through a process of highly efficient combined heat and power (CHP). For Koliber Energy Trading, it is important that the electricity comes from a reliable, proven source.

See also
The environment, society, and corporate governance are important factors in the operation of a responsible enterprise.
Scope of operations
We have been trading in the electricity and natural gas market since 2021.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Corporate social responsibility as a strategy for sustainable corporate development.